Page 16 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 16

The ogre received him as civilly as an ogre could do, and
               invited him to sit down. "I have heard," said the cat, "that
               you are able to change yourself into any kind of creature
               that you have a mind to. You can, for example, transform
               yourself into a lion, an elephant, or the like."
                                                                    briskly (adv.):
               "That is true," answered the ogre very briskly;
               "and to convince you, I shall now become a lion."

               The cat was so terrified  t the sight of a lion so near him
               that he leaped onto the roof, which caused him even more
               difficult , because his boots were of no use at all to him in
               walking on the tiles. However, the ogre resumed his natural
               form, and the cat came down, saying that he had been very
               frightened indeed.

               "I have further been told," said the cat, "that you can also
               transform yourself into the smallest of animals, for example,
               a rat or a mouse. But I can scarcely believe that. I must admit
               to you that I think that that would be quite impossible."


                                                           Reader's Book     15
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