Page 4 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
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Table of contents

                                                             Social language
                       Practice           Environment                                     Stages          Page

                                                         Expresses support and  Warm-up                     14
                                         Family and
               1.  Words can heal                        sympathy while facing     Building                 18
                                                         an everyday issue.        Closure-socialization    28
                                                                                   Warm-up                  30
                                         Ludic and
               2.  Stories on stage                      Read theater plays.       Building                 37
                                                                                   Closure-socialization   46
                                                         Composes instructions  Warm-up                    48
               3.  Better safe than      Academic and  for facing a risky          Building                53
                  sorry                  educational     situation due to a        Closure-socialization    62
                                                         natural phenomenon.
                                                         Compare the same          Warm-up                 66
               4.  Stop the presses-     Family and      piece of news from        Building                 73
                  this just in!          community       different journalistic    Closure-socialization    79

                                                         Improvise a short         Warm-up                  82
               5.  I speak alone;        Ludic and       monologue about a         Building                91
                  I speak for you        literary
                                                         matter of interest.       Closure-socialization   98
                                                         Paraphrase information  Warm-up                   100
               6.  A well-oiled          Academic and  to explain the              Building                106
                  machine                educational     operation mechanism       Closure-socialization   113
                                                         of a machine.

                                                         Share personal            Warm-up                 118
                                         Family and
               7.  Our own story                         experiences in a          Building                124
                                                         conversation.             Closure-socialization   133
                                                         Read brief essays         Warm-up                 136
               8.  Reading about         Ludic and
                  other cultures         literary        to compare cultural       Building                145
                                                         traditions.               Closure-socialization   152
                                                         Write down points of      Warm-up                 156
               9.  A penny for your      Academic and    view to participate in a   Building               161
                  thoughts               educational
                                                         round-table discussion. Closure-socialization     167
                                                                                   Warm-up                 170
                                         Family and      Express oral complaints
               10. For our rights                                                  Building                174
                                         community       about a product.
                                                                                   Closure-socialization   181

              Scope and Sequence ............................................................................................................................  6
              Components ..........................................................................................................................................   12
              Assessment ............................................................................................................................................    184
              Transcripts ..............................................................................................................................................    191
              References ..............................................................................................................................................  207

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