Page 75 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 75

Jan Christian Meyer
                                  Answered Jan 12, 2014

                                  Which instruments are those, and which
                                  others have they rendered obsolete?
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                       Alexander Lee (梅治 新太)
                       Vice President of Creative Outreach at Consiglio
                       Answered Jun 26
                                                          certainly (adj.):
            Depends on what for.                          ciertamente

            For live musical performances? Heck no!
            The whole point of a musical performance is to admire
            a human’s interpretation of a piece via playing a musical
            instrument. There’s nothing to admire about a computer
            playing piano because it’ll play the piece perfectly, and you
            won’t be able to feel any emotions coming from the computer.

            For soundtracks and backing tracks? Certainly.
            Many films are already beginning to use soundtracks that can
            be created with software that simulates musical instruments,
            rather than soundtracks recorded live in a studio. There
            are many reasons for this— the biggest one being cost. A
            soundtrack composed by one person and rendered entirely
            in software is a lot cheaper than a soundtrack that requires
            hiring dozens of professional musicians to practice and
            record in a studio with a ton of expensive equipment.

            The same goes for backing tracks. Many successful singer-
            songwriters are already doing this. It’s faster, more efficient,
            and much cheaper than getting a band together.

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