Page 59 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 59

Closure stage-socialization

                     31. Read your draft once again. Check the following statements and apply them
          Orthography and spelling. Disseminating posters
                         to your writing.
                         •  Uppercase at the beginning of each instruction.

                         •  Period at the end of every sentence.
                         •  Commas between lists of actions or things within an instruction.
                         •  The proper spelling of words. Look at the example and how it was corrected.


                                »   Go to a safe rom such as a basemen, cellar or lowest building level ø
                                »   if there is no basement, go to an inside room like a closet or

                                »   stay away from dangerous places (e.G cornersø windowsø doors,
                                  and outside walls)ø

                                »   If and stay should be in uppercase, because they are at the
                                  beginning of an instruction.
                                »   Ø periods should be added at the end of each instruction.
           session 12           »   Ø commas should be added when you list things within an instruction.

                                »   Room is spelled with double “o”.
                                »   Basement is spelled with a “t” at the end.

                         •  Decide how many and which images to use in your final version.

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