Page 73 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 73
14. Distribute the publications among
yourselves and look for the answers to the a. What event is narrated?
Five W’s and an H: who, what, where, when, why, how
following questions in the news stories. b. What is it about?
Look at the example. c. How did it happen?
Example: e. When did it happen?
d. Who appears in the news story?
f. Where did it happen?
Publication 1 g. Why it was so?
Thursday 4/Jan/ 2018 h. What were its causes?
Climate change, problem caused by human activity
In 10 years’ time we will run out of natural resources if lifestyle What?
changes are not made, according to scientists.
Climate change affects us all, since it impacts animal and plant When?
habitats, leading them to extinction.
During the last century global temperatures have risen by 0.6 ºC.
Members of the scientific community agree that this is due to How?
the growing concentration of greenhouse gas produced by human
activity, which keep heat trapped under the atmosphere.
Human activity includes the effects of aerosols, coal, gas and Who?
session 7 production. All of them have an impact on global warming Why?
oil burning, deforestation in tropical rainforests and livestock
According to Stefan Rahmstorf, who was in charge of research
on climate change in the Postdam Institute in Germany, “risk of
extreme heat has multiplied due to the effects of human activity
on Earth.” Where
One of the solutions in the fight against climate change is reducing
the use of fossil fuels.
For our comparison chart
15. Compose notes with information to answer the questions and list them in a
chart. Look at the example.
Publicaction 1
What » Certain activities that we have performed created the conditions for climate
change on a global level.
» Temperatures all around the planet have been rising for the last 100 years.
72 Studentʼs Book / Practice 4