Page 36 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
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both how to move film th ough the Kinetograph camera
               and how to propel the picture through a machine in
               order to see it –the Kinetoscope. By moving a 35mm-wide
               film strip th ough a shutter mechanism, he was able to
               expose 16 under developed frames per second. This was
               the beginning of cinematography. “Nickelodeons” were
               introduced in 1894 after the invention was patented by
               Edison. To this day, with an increase to 24 frames
               per second, this is the standard employed.               portrayed
                                                                        Glossary on
                                                                         page 86
               This was only the beginning, as Edison’s firs
 wilderness    effort did not project moving pictures. Projected moving
               pictures were first p oduced by the Lumiere brothers in
               France. Their first p oductions, which realistically portrayed
               scenes from everyday life, wereshown in Paris on December
               28, 1895, and they were a big hit. Their company continued
               using its new techniques until 1905 when they retired from
               the business. Some of these techniques included close-ups,
               setting a stage, with respect to placing the actors, scenery,
               and properties, a sequence of events, and expanding
               their catalogue by “shooting reality”. By the end of the
               century, Edison had some competition. Both the Biograph

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