Page 40 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 40
Physics explains that there is a small amount of energy even
in a completely empty vacuum. This principle gives us a third
option for the end of universe. The theory is that another kind
of vacuum may exist, one in which less energy is present. If
that’s the case, then the universe will last until the “pocket” of
a lower-energy vacuum appears. Luckily, we’re not aware that
any such pockets exist. Not so luckily, physics also states that
such a pocket will inevitably form somewhere in the universe
if a lower-energy vacuum is possible. If that happens, the new
vacuum will “modify” the old vacuum surrounding it. T
he pocket would spread out at nearly the speed of light, so
we wouldn’t even know what hit us. Humans, planets and
even the stars would be wiped out. This is
called the Big Change scenario. weirder (adj.):
más raro
The fourth possibility is explained by something termed dark
energy. Dark energy has a strange property. As the universe
grows, its density remains constant. So then more of it is
created over time, to keep up with the expanding volume of
the universe. Sounds weird? It could get even weirder.
Reader's Book 39