Page 44 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 44

Development       The truth is, there are many things nobody
                                   tells you about living alone.
               From a comic point
               of view, various    You imagine you will get to live in a
               observations        spacious apartment, beautifully furnished,
               of the theme        with a balcony and a beautiful view...
               are presented.      Actually, the apartment of my dreams was
                                   a very small room that only had a bed, a
                                   table, a chair and a stove ... instead of
                                   a balcony, there was a small window that
                                   I covered with my notebook when, from
                                   time to time, I wanted to cry without being
                                   heard by my neighbors.
                                   Clothes. The first weekend of my
                                   independent life I discovered that clothes
                                   do not wash themselves, you have to
                                   wash them if you don’t want to look like a
                                   homeless person. Who washed my clothes
                                   before? It was  an unsolved mystery until
                                   that day.
                                   When you live alone, eating is an
                                   adventure. You can’t go to a restaurant
                                   three times a day, it’s very expensive. You
                                   have to learn how to cook. Another option
                                   is to eat cold tuna, dry bread and raw
                                   green chiles.

                    Closure        Yes, the truth is living alone is not easy.
                                   However, I do not regret it. Thanks to
               The monologue
               ends, either by     this experience, my relationship with my
               returning to a      family has improved. When I visit them,
               previous idea or by   my mom still asks me to go for tortillas, my
               rewording           dad still doesn’t let me drive his car, and
               its theme.          my younger brother... well, my younger
                                   brother has changed a lot ... but he's still
                                   very silly.

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