Page 42 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 42
Stand-up comedy
Stand-up comedy is a comic monologue figure
(n.): figura
performed by one person standing on a stage. retórica
Stand-op actors use several rhetorical figures,
for example:
• Exaggeration or hyperbole: Increases or rhetorical figure
decreases one or more characteristics self-compassion
Glossary on
of something or someone. pages 92 and 93
• Self-compassion: A form of exaggeration.
The person exaggerates some aspect of their
own situation to cause laughter or grief.
• Irony: Implies understanding the opposite
of what is said or written.
• Sarcasm: A form of irony which criticizes (adj.):
in an offensive or contemptuous manner.
Reader's Book 41