Page 53 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 53

Practice 7  OUR OWN STORY

                                Family and community environment
               SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE: Share personal experiences in a conversation.

                                                   Adapted by Claire Fortier

            THE GREEN BELT MOVEMENT”                            TRACK 36

            WOMAN: Long before the Europeans came, we
            had our own native trees and the water was plentiful
            because every river was flowing. As the population
            grew, we cut down more and more trees for building,
            for farming. The land and rivers dried up. Things started
            getting bad. So, there are generations who never saw
            the springs filled with water.

            WANGARI MAATHAI: Around the mid-1970s,              firewood
            I was working at the University of Nairobi as a      springs
            lecturer. I was doing research in the field and      soil
                                                                  pages 91-94
            I saw a lot of deforestation and soil loss. I         Glossary on
            heard many rural women complain about the
            fact that they didn’t have firewood; they were
            also complaining that they did not have enough water.

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