Page 58 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 58
Interviewer: How do you feel coming back to Montreal?
Nadia Comaneci: Well, it feels great to come back to
Montreal, it's always emotions when I come here. Even
though I’ve been a couple of times since the games in ’76,
I also lived here for a year and a half. And everything that’s
happening today with me, and my life, it’s because of that
moment that happened here in Montreal.
Interviewer: So, basically, your life was decided when you
were a kid.
Nadia Comaneci: Yes, I was a kid, but I think I knew what
I was doing, you know, people –they were thinking of me as
a kid, but I think that I'd been in gymnastics for so many
years that I didn’t consider myself as a young person.
Interviewer: What did you do to stay calm?
Nadia Comaneci: I just thought about, you know, I know
what I’ve done in training; this is what I’m supposed to do
here just to be able to concentrate.
Interviewer: Were you overwhelmed by so many people?
Nadia Comaneci: Of course, I was overwhelmed by so many
people because there was a big arena, and a lot of noise
from every direction.
Interviewer: How were you able to concentrate?
Nadia Comaneci: I think I was prepared for that and I
was telling to myself the whole time. You know, this is the
Olympics. I cannot make a mistake. This is one shot.
Interviewer: And then you did what you had prepared and
after the routine you were given a perfect 10.
Reader's Book 57