Page 28 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 28

              go to the clubs, you
              see that the girls have
              lost hope. Maybe
              they thought getting
              pregnant was the end
              of everything. The
              pregnant girls think
              that If they go back
              to school they will be
              a laughingstock.
              So, in the club we
              give them this
              courage that pushes
              them back to school.

              AMINATA KARGBO: I'm happy because, since I joined the
              club I meet other girls my age. They helped me understand
              why it’s important to stay in school.

              SALMA BABU: Giving a closer look at the communities we
              are working in, you find that most of the girls are left out. In
              villages, they’re supposed to only be inside the house and
              don’t have the chance to meet the others. There are some
              girls who can’t even like communicate to their parents if
              they have a problem. We taught them that no matter the
              age, we have the strength in us, we can stand, we can
              be somewhere.

              MBALU: I really want to make an impression on my sibling,
              that's why I give the education such an important place. Some
              people told me that I would never get an education because
              my parents are poor. So right now, I’ll show them that I can do
              what I set out to do. That’s why I’m staying school.


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