Page 30 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 30

daughters, each of which had seven children and each one
              of them had seven cats.

              How many people went to Berlin?

              3. Black on Black

              This person was dressed completely in black and had black
              hair. He wore a black mask, black gloves and a black scarf,
              too. This person was in a hurry and was walking very fast at
              the junction of two large avenues. One problem was that the
              whole city was painted black: the walls of the buildings,
              the sidewalks, everything. Another problem was that at that
              time the city suffered a blackout, and the moon was not
              visible in the sky.
              Suddenly a black car appeared, coming                 Glossary on
              at high speed, without headlights, driving            pages 91
                                                                    and 93
              directly towards the person dressed in black.
              However, a few meters before hitting him, the car
              swerved a little to the right and the person was saved.

              How could the car driver have done this?

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