Page 5 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 5

Table of contents:

                                                  Social language
                Practice        Environment                         Page
                                               Talk about cultural
            1.  Around the   Family and
                                               habits of different    5
               world         community
            2. Words you feel Ludic and literary Read poems.         15
                                               Interpret and write
            3.  Necessity is
                             Academic and      instructions to
               the mother                                            19
                             educational       carry out a simple
               of invention
                                               Exchange emotions
            4.  Running the   Family and       and reactions caused
               show          community         by a television
            5.  What if…?    Ludic and literary hypotheses about     28
                                               past events.
                                               Write a short report
            6.  As time      Academic and      about a historical    32
               goes by       educational
                                               Discuss concrete
            7.  Say your     Family and        actions to address    43
               piece         community
                                               youth rights.
                                               Read fantasy or
            8.  Fear is in   Ludic and literary  suspense literature   56
               books                           to evaluate cultural
                                               Write agreements
            9.  What is art   Academic and     and disagreements
               and who       educational       to participate in a   68
               says so?
                                               debate about fine arts
                                               Interpret and offer
            10.Guess what    Family and        descriptions of unex-  77
               happened      community         pected situations in
                                               a conversation

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