Page 6 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 6

AROUND THE WORLD                                              Practice 1

                               Family and community environment
               SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE:   Talk about cultural habits of different countries.

                                                Maggie Fuller (adapted)

              This is WhaT BreakfasT Looks Like
              around The WorLd

              If we think about breakfast, we might think of scrambled
              eggs, tamales or quesadillas, but other countries have some
              great options for breakfast, as well. For us, hot soups and
              cold cuts may seem like a strange dish to have first thing in
              the morning, but there’s no better way to get a taste for a
              country than to eat as the locals do. Check what people have
              for breakfast in 13 different countries and see if you might
              want to change your first meal of the day.
                                                               anchovy (n.):
                                                                fuel up (v.):
              1. Malaysia                                      anchoa
                                                                llenar el tanque
              Thanks to the
              country’s multiethnic
              influences, Malaysia
              boasts a range of

              Options include
              foods with Indian,
              Chinese, or Western
              roots, but the best
              way to fuel up for the day is sit down to a plate of
              nasi lemak, the national dish. Traditionally served     garnish
                                                                       Glossary on
              or wrapped in a banana leaf (making it a perfectly      wrap
              portable meal), nasi lemak consists of a mound            pages 92
              of rich, sweet coconut rice garnished with some           and 94
              combination of anchovies, cucumbers, roasted peanuts,
              hard-boiled eggs, and a spicy Malaysian hot sauce.

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