Page 66 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 66

He knelt upon the sand and studied the vase, and at last
              he used his fishing knife to cut away the seal. He stuck a
              finger inside and felt nothing. He turned it upside down,
              and nothing fell out.

              "Just my luck," he muttered. "I was a fool for wasting time."
              But just at that moment a thick cloud of smoke rolled out
              of the vase and swirled into the air, twisting and billowing
              so that soon a smoky mist stretched out over sand and sea.
              The fisherman stared in wonder as the mist began to twist
              and twirl, taking the shape of a giant, a fiery spirit, the
              fiercest creature he had ever seen. And then the spirit spoke,
              and its voice was a kind of shriek. "King of the genii!" he
              roared, "I shall never disobey you again!"

              Hearing these words, the fisherman felt a bit of his courage
              return, and so he stammered, "Genie, how did you come to
              be shut up inside this vase?"

              Now the genie growled, "Speak civilly to me before I kill you."

              "What?" the fisherman cried. "Why would you kill the man
              who set you free? Should you not reward me?"

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