Page 69 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 69

                               Academic and educational environment
               SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE:   Write agreements and disagreements to
                                         participate in a debate about fine arts.

            do you Think CompuTers are phasinG
            ouT musiCaL insTrumenTs?

            19 Answers      Answer    Follow  .  23  Request   �

                       Harrison Boyle                             phase out
                       Composer                                   strad
                                                                    pages 93
                       Answered Jan 13, 2014                       Glossary on
                                                                    and 94
            Computers can replace a good number of
            electronic instruments - anything where the sound you hear
            is actually a cardboard cone vibrating. (When Rob Menes
            says below that we can get very close to the sound of a Strad
            or Steinway, I would amend that to say very close to the
            sound of a recording thereof…)

            On the one hand, you could say that we are in a phase where
            even the vocals in 'pop' music are so horribly computer-
            manipulated and altered that the voice has all the humanity
            of a dial tone. (There's an archaic reference for you!) On
            the other hand, even film producers still recognize that the
            sound of live instruments and/or an orchestra is worth the
            investment - it remains the preferred choice for a quality film
            because the difference can be felt.

            In the previous century, musical instruments had already
            lost ground to the player-piano, the gramophone, and the
            radio. As a technology that combines the functions of those
            previous inventions, the computer may continue that already
            extant process, but it is not the cause. In any case, what is
            being phased out there is the ability of more people to play
            the instruments, not the instruments themselves.
            It is worth noting that from the very beginning, every iteration
            of electronic or mechanical sound production has been

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