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The Attack

            REPORTER: What happened on October 9, 2012?
            MALALA: I was on my way home from school
               when a man boarded the bus I was riding in and    TraCk 67
               demanded to know who Malala was.
            REPORTER: Did your classmates point at you?
            MALALA: No, they didn’t, but they looked towards me, so he
               knew who I was, they gave me away.
            REPORTER: Then what happened?
            MALALA: The gunman fired at me, hitting me on the left side
               of my head; the bullet then travelled down my neck.
            REPORTER: Was anyone else hurt?
            MALALA: Yes, two of my friends were also injured
               in the attack.
            REPORTER: What happened next?
            MALALA: After the shot I don’t remember anything, but my
               parents told me that I was in critical condition. So, I was
               flown to a military hospital in Peshawar. To receive further
               care, I was transferred to Birmingham, England. Once
               I was in the United Kingdom, I was taken out of a
               medically induced coma. Though I would require multiple
               surgeries, I had suffered no major brain damage.
            REPORTER: When were you able to go back to school?
            MALALA: Five months later. In March 2013, I began
               attending school in Birmingham.
            REPORTER: I’m so glad that you were able to go
               back to school.
            MALALA: Me, too.

                                                              Glossary on
                                                              page 94

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