Page 82 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 82

The Trip to Islamabad

              MONIBA: What did you do on vacation?
              MALALA: Adam took us to Islamabad.
              MONIBA: Really? What fun! Had you been             TraCk 68
                there before?
              MALALA: No, it was the first time I had ever visited.
              MONIBA: And how was it? They say it’s amazing.
              MALALA: Yes, it is. Islamabad is a beautiful place with nice
                white bungalows and broad roads, though it has none
                of the natural beauty of Swat.
              MONIBA: Wow! I love cities. What places did you visit?
              MALALA: We saw the Red Mosque, the wide, wide
                Constitution Avenue leading to the white-colonnaded
                buildings of the Parliament House and the Presidency.
              MONIBA: That sounds great. What else did you do?
              MALALA: We went to shops where I bought schoolbooks
                and Adam bought me DVDs of American TV programmes
                like Ugly Betty.
              MONIBA: What's that about?
              MALALA: It’s about a girl with big braces and a big heart.
              MONIBA: Oh, OK. Did you go to any museums? You
                like those a lot!
              MALALA: Yes! We visited the Lok Virsa museum, and it was
                a joy to celebrate our national heritage once again. I miss
                our museum here in Swat.
              MONIBA: Everything sounds incredible.
              MALALA: Well, actually, I have a scary story. We were riding
                the bus on our way back, when suddenly, the bus hit
                a pothole and the tire exploded. My brother Khushal,
                who had been a sleep, jerked awake. 'Was that a bomb
                blast?' he asked. Then, my mom calmed
                him down, and explained what had              heritage (n.):
                                                               jerk (v.):
                happened.                                      herencia
              MONIBA: That must have been terrifying!          sacudirse/
                                                                pothole (n.):

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