Page 4 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 4

Table of contents

                                                             Social language
                       Practice           Environment                                     Stages          Page
                                                         Talk about cultural       Warm-up                  10
                                         Family and
               1.  Around the World                      habits in different       Building                 15
                                                         countries.                Closure-socialization   21
                                                                                   Warm-up                 24
                                         Ludic and
               2.  Words You Feel                        Read poems.               Building                30
                                                                                   Closure-socialization   42
                                                         Interpret and write       Warm-up                 46
               3.  Necessity Is the      Academic and
                  Mother of Invention    educational     instructions to carry out  Building               52
                                                         a simple experiment.      Closure-socialization   58
                                                         Exchange emotions         Warm-up                 62
                                         Family and      and reactions caused      Building                66
               4.  Running the Show
                                         community       by a television           Closure-socialization   75
                                                         Guess and formulate       Warm-up                 78
                                         Ludic and
               5.  What if...?                           hypotheses about past  Building                   82
                                                         events.                   Closure-socialization   90

                                                         Write a short report      Warm-up                 92
                                         Academic and                              Building                95
               6.  As Time Goes by                       about a historical
                                         educational                               Closure-socialization   103
                                                         Discuss concrete          Warm-up                 106
                                         Family and
               7.  Say Your Piece                        actions to address        Building                108
                                                         youth rights.             Closure-socialization   118
                                                         Read fantasy or           Warm-up                 120
                                         Ludic and       suspense literature       Building                125
               8.  Fear Is in Books
                                         literary        to evaluate cultural      Closure-socialization   137

                                                         Write agreements          Warm-up                 140
               9.  What is Art and       Academic and  and disagreements to        Building                148
                  Who Says So?           educational     participate in a debate   Closure-socialization   157
                                                         about fine arts.
                                                         Interpret and offer       Warm-up                 162
               10. Guess What            Family and      descriptions of           Building                168
                  Happened               community       unexpected situations     Closure-socialization   178
                                                         in a conversation.

              Scope and Sequence ............................................................................................................................  6
              Components ..........................................................................................................................................   12
              Assessment ............................................................................................................................................    184
              Transcripts ..............................................................................................................................................    191
              References ..............................................................................................................................................  207

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