Page 116 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 116
14. Make three flashcards to participate in the game described in the following
steps. Look at the example.
I love session 5
I hate I don’t mind
___________. _____________. ___________.
The adverb really
• Gather some images that portray leisure activities, food or things in general.
is very useful
You can draw them or use some pictures from magazines.
in making what
• Collect all the images and stack them up.
you say stronger.
However, when • Pick a person and give him or her the stack. He or she will stand in a place in
the classroom where everyone can see him or her.
talking about
• The rest of the class will have the three flashcards they made in advance on
things you don't
like it can have a
their desks.
different meaning,
• The designated person will pick an image from the stack and show it to the
depending on
rest of the class. British and American variants. Connectors
where you put it in
• Everyone will pick a flashcard depending on how much they like or dislike
the sentence. For
that thing and they will say a sentence expressing their taste: for example,
"I really don't
“I love chocolate ice cream”.
like it!" means
• If someone takes too long to compose a sentence, they are out of the game.
you have a
• The designated person will continue with the rest of the images.
strong dislike of
• The winner will be the person who says the most sentences describing how
something, but "I
much he or she likes the images that were displayed.
don't really like it"
is not very strong.
15. Listen to the track.
It means that
you do not like
something, but
• Underline the differences in the expressions each interlocutor
it is not a very
uses. Look at the example.
strong dislike.
Oh, I like it, too,
but my favorite soccer
team is Chicago Fire.
Oh, yes, there’s a Really? Well, if we
match tonight. That sounds are talking about American In American
like a good plan . teams, I like Minnesota
United. “My favorite team
English people say
Well, I guess we are is…” because they
What’s your favorite going to have a few focus on one team.
team? problems! Both teams In British English
are playing against each people prefer
other tonight! to focus on the
My favourite team several players on
are Arsenal. I used to live Hahaha, we’ll see a team,
near the football stadium who wins. so that is why the
in London. say “My favourite
team are…”.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 7 115