Page 15 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 15

10. Choose a role. Read the dialogue aloud, taking into account the changes
                            in voice volume (       high and      low) marked before each line.            TRACK 4
                            Now listen to Track 4.

                                  Clerk: You’ll need two photos, one color        Clerk: Well, most people pay between
                            and one black and white. Also, an ID. Your school   $2.50 and $4 a year.
                            ID would be fine  A proof of address, and…       Teenager: All right. What are the office
                                 Teenager: Oh…, what kind of document    hours to get the library card?

                            can be used as proof of address?                 Clerk: Monday to Friday, from 8:30 in the

                                   Clerk: It can be an electricity or phone   morning to 2:00 in the afternoon and from 3:00

                            bill. And you can pay a voluntary fee.      in the afternoon to 8:00 at night. Saturdays, from
                                 Teenager: Sorry, I didn’t hear the last part.  10:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon.
                                   Clerk: No problem. I was saying you could     Teenager: Will it take long?

                                                                             Clerk: Only the time it takes to type your
                            pay a voluntary fee.                        data in the computer and the printing time. At

            Clues of the dialogue  11. Does something change if the interlocutors speak slowly or quickly?   TRACK 3

                                Teenager: Ok, and how much do library
                                                                        most, 10 minutes. Do you have any
                            users normally pay?
                                                                        other questions?

                         Choose a role and perform the following dialogue with the speeds
                         indicated. Listen to Track 3. Now perform the dialogue in Activity 10,
                         using high and low voice volume and fast and slow pace.

                            Teenager: No thanks. I’ll come back with the papers later.

                            Clerk: All right. If you plan to come today, it’s almost 7, so you'd better hurry.
                            Teenager: Right…… Thanks!
             session 4  12. With your teacher's help, discuss which words and expressions would change if

                         the clerk were a teenager.

                                                                        Yes, definitely. But the question that follows
                                                                        would change, too. Instead of asking “May
                                    I believe the greeting
                                                                        I help you? which is very proper, he would
                                  would change if the clerk
                                                                        say “Do you need anything?” or “What can
                                    were a teenager. He
                                                                         I do for you?” Those questions are more
                                  might say something like
                                                                            informal, but they are still polite.
                                    “Hello!” or even “Hi!”

             14      Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 1
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