Page 84 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 84

14. Listen to Track 17 and identify the verb forms which indicate future tense.

                           •  Read the following sentences in future tense from the previous activities.
                              ▲ We shall have a mostly sunny afternoon.                                              session 6

                              ●  I’m going to teach him or her how to play soccer.
                              ■  You’ll soon have things to do.
                                                                                          TRACK 17

                        15. With your teacher's help, define which sentence from Activity 14
                            is the most appropriate for each of the following statements.

                            •  Write the corresponding icon in the space provided. Look          Remember
                               at the example.                                                  The apostrophe (‘)
                                                                                                indicates a
                              a)  Express a planned future situation.                  ●
                                                                                                change in the
                              b) Express intentions or plans.                                      pronunciation
                                                                                                of certain words.
                              c)  Express a future situation.
                                                                                                In the example
                              d) Express an instant decision about                              above, ‘ll stands
                                 the immediate future.                                             for the verb will,
                                                                                               so that, you will
                              e)  Express a future situation when
                                                                                               becomes you’ll.        Sentences expressing future situations. Negative expressions
                                 the subject is I or we.                                           These combined
                                                                                               words are called
                              f)  Express predictions based on evidence.
                              g) Express predictions or expectations.
                              h)  Express strong intentions or promises.

                      For our forecast

                         16. Write sentences to answer the questions you wrote in Activity 13. In order

                             to do so:
                             a)  Check if the answer needs to be in the past, present or future. Go back to

                                Activities 11 and 12 if needed.
                             b) Identify the meaning of the sentence to use the adequate verb tense. If you
                                need to, go back to Activity 15. Look at the example.

                         Questions                                    Forecast
                        What new developments will be                The sports park they’re building right now

                        achieved?                                    will be finished shortly.

                         Meaning: Prediction

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