Page 140 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 140

Continue Activity 12 below

                             »   Here are my own eleven rules, every one of which I regard

                               as golden:

                                                                                                    There are five
                                                                                                    different patterns
                                                                                                    to organize the
                                                                                                    information in
                            •  Scan the circled key words to find the organizational pattern.       a text. Cause-
                                                                                                    effect emphasizes
                              Look at the example.                                                  the relationship
                        Example:                                                                    between an event
                                                                                                    and its results. The
                                                                                                    chronological order
                                                                                                    presents the events
                People in the United States are used to teabags. However, they are too weak for a good cup of tea.
                                                                                                    in the order in which
                                                                                                    they occurred.
                                         fact                 opinion that disagrees with the fact
                                                                                                    emphasizes the
                                                                                                    similarities and
                                                                                                    differences between
                                                                                                    two or more subjects.
                 (a friend of mine used to joke that she would marry either a Tatar or an Englishmen, because
                                                                                                    The list classifies
                 both would know that tea should be drunk with milk).                               the information
                                                                                                    according to one
                            opinion that agrees with the fact                                       feature. Problem-
                                                                                                    solution states
                                                                                     Reader's       the problem and
                            •  Make a graphic in your notebook to represent how       Book page 69  provides possible
                              the information is organized in the essay. Look at                    solutions for solving
                                                                                                    it. Sometimes, the
                              the example in your Reader’s Book, page 69.                           writer will use one or
                                                                                                    combine two in the
                                                                                                    same essay.
                        13. Listen to the track.                                     TRACK 45
                            •  With your teacher’s help, match the comprehension strategies to the definitions
                              and to the phrases by writing the letter between the brackets. Look at the example.

                                              Some comprehension strategies
                                Taken from:

                   a.  Predict             (    ) Look for the meaning of    (    ) -“I think this essay is about
                                           key words and main ideas.         how to make tea because of
                                                                             the title.”

                   b.  Make connections    (    ) Summarize and comment      (   b  )  -“The author is talking about
                                           on what was read.                 tea, as he stated in the title,
                                                                             and he will guide the reader
                                                                             through his own recipe to make
                                                                             a nice cup of tea.”

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