Page 141 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 141

c.  Visualize           (    ) Think about what the text   (    ) -“He also said that he has
                                        is going to say before reading it.  never seen a recipe on how to make
                                                                           tea, and I haven’t either. I learned
                                                                           how to make it when I was 6 and
                                                                           I had a stomachache. The nurse at
                                                                           school gave me some chamomile tea.”

                d.  Questioning         (    ) Formulate questions while   (    ) -“Yes, I like to read about
                                        reading.                           these topics because we assume

                                                                           that everyone does things the way
                                                                           we do, but of course it is not true!
                                                                           I didn’t know people drank tea using
                                                                           different techniques. How do they
                                                                           make it in Russia, Japan, China, and
                                                                           India? It would be interesting to
                                                                           learn about that.”
                e.  Clarify             (    ) Relate parts of a text to   (    ) -“Tea without sugar?!”
                                        itself, the text to the reader, and   -“Yes. It looks like this is the most
                                        the text to the world.             important part of the recipe to
                                                                           Orwell. We can say it is the main
                                                                           idea in this paragraph.”

                f.  Evaluate            (    ) Imagine people,             (    ) -“Tea is such an important
                                        characters, settings, places, etc. in   aspect of the British culture. I didn’t
                                        the text.                          know it took so many steps to make

                                                                           a nice cup of tea. It is interesting
                                                                           how Orwell relates the drink to
                                                                           other countries and different uses
                                                                           of tea leaves.”
                                                                           -“Did you like the part about not
                                                                           adding sugar? Maybe we can do the
                                                                           experiment he proposes and try it.”
                                                                           -“OK, let’s do it!”

                         •  Check the answers to the previous exercise.

                         •  Read one of the essays you selected and discuss it with a partner using
                            these strategies.

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