Page 144 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 144

18. Draw the samovar, the teapot and the other elements used                para servir el té
                                                                                                    teapot (n.): tetera
                           at tea-time in Russia.

                            •  Select a beautiful passage in the essays you are working
                              with and draw it in your notebook.
                            •  Go to your Reader’s Book, page 71 to 74 and read               Reader's
                              Cha-no-yu, Tea Cult of Japan, by Yasunoke Fukukita.              Book pages 71 to 74

                        19. Complete the dialogues about people discussing the cultural aspects
                           of tea drinking.

                            •  Reread the essays about tea if necessary.                                           session 7
                            Tea is one of the                                         Really? I thought it was
                            pillars of civilization in                                just a time to drink tea.
                            the United Kingdom.
                                                                         It is, but it is more complex than that.
                       Indeed. Just like in Eire,                        The ceremony involves etiquette, dress,
                       Australia and New Zealand.                        arts and crafts, among other things.

                           Tea is also the national drink in
                           Russia, despite what people think.                       So, as you stated, several
                                                                                    countries around the world
                                                                                    drink tea.                      Main ideas. Explanations. Examples
                        Oh! I didn’t know that. I
                        thought it was vodka.                                    Yes. And each one interprets
                                                                                 tea drinking differently.
                          Yes, the Russian stereotypes are
                          vodka, bears and cold winters,                          Yes, for some people it is an
                          but the first one is not true.                          informal part of their culture, but
                                                                                  others observe a strict etiquette.

                In Japan we perform a tea ceremony.                                Despite the differences,
                It is called Cha-no-yu, which involves                             we all enjoy drinking tea.
                several aspects of the Japanese culture.

                            •  Write a dialogue in your notebook like the        Secondly, tea should be made in small
                                                                                 quantities-that is, in a teapot. Tea
                              one above using the traditions described in
                                                                                 out of an urn is always tasteless,
                              the essays you selected and perform it.            while army tea, made in a cauldron,
                        20. Read on the paper on the right side the              tastes of grease and whitewash. The
                           small extract from A Nice Cup of Tea.                teapot should be made of china or

                            •  Look at the three different types of lines       earthenware. Silver or Britanniaware
                                                                                teapots produce inferior tea and
                              under the text and discuss.                       enamel pots are worse; though
                            •  Discuss which sentences express the main         curiously enough, a pewter teapot
                              ideas, which are the explanations and which      (a rarity nowadays) is not so bad.
                              the examples.
                                                                    (n.): cal   Continue this activity on the next page

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