Page 155 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 155

Continue Activity 19 below
                                                                                               keyboard (n.):
                                  a)  Music has evolved over time. If technology is present in most aspects

                                     of our lives, it is going to be present in music, as well.
                                  b)  “Computer-based sound is so versatile nowadays; it can produce
                                      as many subtle nuances as a competent performer could want. It
                                      depends on the skill of the person behind the computer” (Riera, 2015).
           Remember               c)  There is an electronic musician named Richard D. James who is

           When using another         working with robots that play traditional instruments and he records
           person’s ideas or          it. In an interview he stated, “I've been doing loads of electro-
           words, you should
           include an in-text         mechanical stuff with drum robots and things like that. I've got four
           citation to the            MIDI pipe organs and a Disklavier-controlled piano and computer-
           original work. To
            reference an in-text      controlled percussion” (Sherburne, 2014).
            citation, you must    d)  “Electronic musicians create music using principles and terminology
            write, in parentheses,    developed in the classical world. Creating electronic music often
            the last name of the
            author, the year it was   requires the use of controllers that look and operate like keyboards,
            published, and            so many of the best electronic musicians can also play the piano”
            the page number
             at the end of the        (Melissa, n.d.). The two forms of music making complement each other.
             quote if you are using   e)  “Music is crafted not by computers and other musical instruments, but
             a printed source, for
             example, (Sherburne,     by the person who uses them. And the effort and vibe the musician
             2014). Here, we do       puts into creating that music is evident with every beat and harmony
             not include the page
             number because            in play.” (“Are Computers Musical Instruments?”, 2017).
              it is from an online
              magazine. If you do
              not know the date          20. Check the information you wrote in the previous
              an online article was          activity and do the following:                          TRACK 63
              published, write n.d.
              after the author.              •  Read each paragraph, determine in which order you are going
                                                to present them and number them. Look at the example.

                 •  Listen to the example on the track.
                 •  Write the paragraphs in the order you established before in your notebook.

                  1)  Music has always been changing. If technology is present in most aspects of our lives,

                      it is going to be present in music, as well.
                  2)  “Electronic musicians create music using principles and terminology developed in the
                      classical world. Creating electronic music often requires the use of controllers that look
                      and operate like keyboards, so many of the best electronic musicians can also play the
                      piano” (Melissa, n.d.). The two ways of making music complement each other.

                                                                             Continue this activity on the next page

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