Page 49 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 49

Practice 7

              stomach is where the pancreas, a gland organ, can be
              found. It manufactures a mixture of enzymes that are sent
              to the duodenum. The gallbladder is also connected to the
              duodenum by a duct. It’s a pear-shaped sac that discharges
              a green-brown waste product collected from the liver called
              bile. It contains acids that break down fatty matter.

              The liver performs hundreds of different functions. It’s the
              body's main chemical factory. Nutrients released into the
              blood by the small intestine are processed by the liver.
              This creates energy-giving glycogen from carbohydrates
              and converts dietary proteins into the kind of proteins our
              blood needs. Any essential vitamins and minerals, along with
              these proteins, are then stored or released as needed. Any
              unwanted chemicals, i.e.any alcohol consumed,are broken
              down by the liver, detoxified  and passed from the body
              as waste.

              Respiratory System                   Trachea:
                                                   Windpipe; cartilage-
                                                   reinforced tube extending
              Larynx:                              from larynx to bronchi
              Air passes over the
              larynx and down
              the trachea

              Organ specialized
              for the exchange
              of gases between
              the blood and the

              Bronchus:                Bronchiole:       Alveoli:
              One of the two           A thin-walled     Clusters of air sacs
              primary divisions        branch of a       that are the site of
              of the trachea that      bronchus          gas exchange for
              leads into the lungs                       the human body

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