Page 44 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 44
miles away at opposite ends of circuits. American Glossary on
page 85
audiences will be able to see the coronation of
European kings or how battles in the Orient are
progressing on huge curtains in their theaters. The apparatus
broadcasting these far-away scenes into people’s homes
will be connected to a giant telephone-like instrument
transmitting the corresponding sound at the appropriate
time. Thus when the audience sees guns blazing, they will
also hear the booms and when an actor or singer’s lips
move, they will also hear the words or music.
No foods will be left in the open. Shopkeepers leaving food
exposed to patrons’ breath or exhaust from busy streets
will be as guilty as those who sell stale or spoiled produce
and be arrested. Large amounts of food will be kept fresh in
liquid-air refrigerators for long intervals.
Coal will be too scarce to use for heating or cooking, but
not be entirely exhausted. We will be able to mine the
Reader's Book 43