Page 6 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 6
Family and community environment
SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE: Exchange opinions about a community service.
Adapted by Claire Fortier
Checks ups, appointments and emergencies
here will be times that you don’t feel very well, and when
Tthat happens, it’s a good idea to book an appointment
with a doctor or dentist. It’s as easy as making a phone call.
There are even some clinics that will attend to you without
an appointment.
Getting a check-up
Dentists recommend that children under 18 go for
an annual dental check-up to make sure that their
teeth and gums are healthy. If the dentist is concerned
about things like tooth decay, plaque, or a lack of
space for your wisdom teeth, you may have to go for
appointments more often.
Sometimes, dentists will take you off of their list of
registered patients if you don’t schedule regular
appointments. In that case, you’ll have to find a new
dentist to register with.
There’s no need to have regular check-ups with your
doctor, except if you need to be monitored for an
existing medical condition that you may have. It is,
however, a good idea to speak with your doctor if
you’re planning something new, like taking up regular
exercise or traveling to a different country.
Reader's Book 5