Page 86 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
P. 86


                   aging (adj.): getting old.
                   befall (v.): to come to pass; happen; occur.

                   bonds (n.): a bond between people is a strong feeling
                   of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences
                   that unites them. a bond between two things is the
                   way in which they stick to one another or are joined in
                   some way.

                   broadcast (v.): making and sending out of television
                   and radio programmes.
                  comrade (n.) partner or companion.

                  cunning (adj.): with the ability to achieve things in a
                  clever way.

                  dare (v.): being brave enough to do something.
                  female (n.): a woman or a girl. women and girls are
                  sometimes referred to as females when they are being
                  considered as a type.
                  fetch (v.): go and get something from a place.

                  foresee (v.): if you foresee something, you expect and
                  believe that it will happen.

                  gallantly (adv.): behave bravely and honourably in a
                  dangerous or dif cult situation.
                 gallbladder (n.): small hollow organ where bile is
                 stored and concentrated before it is released into the
                 small intestine.

                 haunt (v.): a ghost or spirit that haunts a place or a
                 person regularly appears in the place, or is seen by the
                 person and frightens him.

                 household (n.): house, or the group who live together
                 in it.

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