Page 87 - @ccess 1 Reader´s Book
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injured (adj.): being physical or emotional damaged.
                 parachute (n.): it is a device which enables a person to
                 jump from an aircraft and  oat safely to the ground. it
                 consists of a large piece of thin cloth attached to your
                 body by strings.
                 pity (n.): feel sorry for someone or something.
                 portray (v.): when a writer or artist portrays something,
                 he or she writes a description or produces a painting
                 of it.
                 pour (v.): make a liquid or other substance  ow steadily
                 out of a container by holding the container at an angle.
                 pride (n.): a feeling of satisfaction which you have
                  because you or people close to you have done
                  something good or possess something good.
                  record (v.): if you record a piece of information or an
                  event, you write it down, photograph it, or put it into a
                  computer so that in the future people can refer to it.
                  scamper (v.): move quickly with small and light steps.

                  skim (v.): if you skim a piece of writing, you read
                  through it quickly.
                  striking (adj.): noticeable or unusual. amazing.
                  swallow (v.): to pass (food, drink, etc.) from the mouth
                  through the gullet or esophagus into the stomach.

                  undertake (v.): to take upon oneself; agree to do; enter
                  into or upon (a task, journey, etc.).

                   vault (n.): an arched roof or ceiling.
                   wilderness (n.): area of natural land which is not used
                   by people.

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