Page 12 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 12

NARRATOR 1: Well, when Fin had been working
              away from home a good many months, he took it into
              his head to go home and see his wife, a fine woman
              named Oona. It was two counties away—but sure that
              wasn’t far for a man like Fin.

              NARRATOR 4: He pulled up a fir tree by its roots—a full-
              grown tree, mind you—and stripped off the branches to
              make himself a walking stick. Then off he set, and in no
              time at all he reached his own mountain and the house
              he’d built on it, and there was Oona to greet him.

              FIN: (heartily, with arms outstretched) Oona, me love!

              OONA: (warmly) Ach, Fin, it’s glad I am to see you. I
              hope you’re a bit hungry, for I fixed a little something
              when I saw you coming.

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