Page 17 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 17
OONA: Ach, don’t be in such a hurry. Come in and take your
rest awhile. You’ll need it, if it’s Fin you’re going to fight, for
he’s twice your size and ten times stronger-looking!
NARRATOR 1: Fin nearly fell out of the cradle with fright.
FIN: (in dismay, softly to himself) Oh, why does she have to
go and blab like that? Why doesn’t she just let him go?
NARRATOR 4: But Oona wasn’t so anxious to get rid
of Cuhullin.
OONA: Now, just set yourself down, and I’ll have a meal
ready for you in no time. I’ve got the bread all baked and a
lovely pot of stew on the fire. (turns to go, then turns back)
Oh, while you’re waiting, I wonder if you’d do me a favor. A
cold wind blows in at the door, this time of day. Would you
be so kind as to turn the house around? Fin always does it
for me when he’s home.
CUHULLIN: Certainly.
NARRATOR 2: Up he got and went outside. With no bother
at all, he picked up the whole house and turned it to face the
other way.
NARRATOR 3: Oona was a bit surprised, because Fin himself
couldn’t have done it—she’d just made that up to frighten
Cuhullin. But she didn’t let on when he came back in.
OONA: Thank you kindly. There’s just one other thing, I’m
hoping you won’t mind my asking.
16 Reader's Book