Page 14 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 14
Glossary on
FIN: And every time I suck me thumb, suck
I get more worried about him. page 94
NARRATOR 4: You see, Fin had a magic thumb, and if he
sucked it, it would warn him of any danger.
NARRATOR 2: Now, Oona was worried, too, but she had
an idea.
OONA: Go now, and look across the mountain for his
coming. You’re sure to see him on his way, and that’ll give us
time to prepare a welcome.
NARRATOR 3: So Fin MacCool did what his wife bid, for he
knew her to be a woman of great good sense. And inside
the house, Oona cleared the table and began baking a new
batch of bread loaves. These were the big, flat loaves you
can see in Ireland to this day. But this was a special batch
indeed, for inside each loaf she put a great iron griddle.
NARRATOR 1: Well, at last Fin ran into the house.
FIN: Oona, he’s coming, and he’s a terrible size of a creature!
What can I do? If I run away, I’ll be shamed forever! And if I
stay here, he’ll tie my body in knots!
OONA: Ach, be easy now, Fin. Just do what I say, and before
the day is out, maybe his own forefinger will betray him.
(goes to the other room)
NARRATOR 4: You see, Cuhullin too had a magic finger. All
his strength was in the forefinger of his right hand. If he lost
that finger, he’d be no stronger than any ordinary man.
FIN: (looking out the open door) He’s coming! iron (n.):
griddle (n.):
He’ll be here in a minute! hierro
Reader's Book 13