Page 23 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 23
The Giant’s Wife Main Events Chart
Main events Purpose
1. Fin is building a bridge between Describe the
setting, develop
Ireland and Scotland.
Exposition 2. He hears that Cuhullin, a very strong the characters, and
introduce a conflict.
giant, wants to beat him in a fight.
3. He hurries home and tells Oona, his
wife. He is quite worried.
4. Oona comes up with a plan: she Complications arise,
Rising action 5. Then, she tells Fin to put on a encounters obstacles.
bakes a batch of bread with an iron
the protagonist
griddle in each loaf.
baby’s costume.
6. Cuhullin arrives to Fin’s house and It is the highest
Oona tells him her husband is amount of suspense.
not home.
7. She invites the giant to supper and
tests his strength several times.
Climax 8. When Cuhullin tries the bread he
breaks a tooth, and he believes that it
is Fin’s favorite.
9. Oona tells him that the baby is
Fin’s son.
10. Cuhullin puts his finger in the
baby’s mouth.
11. Fin bites the finger off.
Falling action 12. Cuhullin roars in pain. Any unknown details or
13. The giant loses his strength.
plot twists are revealed
and wrapped up.
14. Cuhullin runs away and Fin This is the final
chases him. outcome of the drama.
Resolution The topic is revealed,
and a moral or lesson
is learned.
22 Reader's Book