Page 20 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 20
OONA: Man, it’s a good job you never met up with Fin! It’s
more than your two front teeth you’d have lost.
CUHULLIN: You’re tricking me! I don’t believe any man eats
bread like that!
OONA: Oh, don’t you now! Just wait till you see this.
NARRATOR 4: She took one of the loaves off the table and
walked over to the cradle where Fin was lying dressed like
a baby.
OONA: This is Fin’s son. Isn’t he a fine little lad! (tickles Fin
under the chin) Just like his daddy.
FIN: (like a baby) Goo, goo! Goo, goo!
OONA: (to FIN, as to a baby, while holding out the loaf) Here
you are, me dove, have a bit of bread.
FIN: (looks fearfully at the loaf, then questioningly at OONA)
NARRATOR 2: Now, this loaf looked like all the rest, but
Oona knew that it was the only one without an iron griddle.
NARRATOR 3: She gave Fin a big wink. Then Fin took a bite
of the loaf that took away half the side of it.
FIN: (bites into the bread, then chews while making happy
baby sounds)
CUHULLIN: (staring at FIN) That’s amazing! And you tell me
this is Fin MacCool’s child?
OONA: None other! So you can guess what size of man his
daddy is.
Reader's Book 19