Page 19 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 19
OONA: (acting surprised) Nothing! What ails you, tall man?
That’s the bread my husband eats six dozen loaves of,
every day!
CUHULLIN: (dumbfounded) You mean he eats this stuff?!
Sure it is hard as rock, and I’ve lost one of me good front
teeth on the first mouthful!
OONA: Didn’t I say you were a poor, weak thing compared
to Fin? Ach, you’ll regret the day he gets his hands on you.
CUHULLIN: (pulling himself up proudly) Nonsense! If he can
eat this bread, so can I!
NARRATOR 1: He picked up another loaf and dug his teeth
into it.
CUHULLIN: (bites down again, then roars with pain)
Aaahhhhhh! I’ve lost me other front tooth!
18 Reader's Book