Page 29 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 29

Store supplies so you can grab them
            quickly if you need to evacuate; know in
            advance what else you will need to take.         grab
                                                              Glossary on
            Take time now to make a list of the things        page 92  STORE
            you would need or want to take with you
            if you had to leave your home quickly.
            Store the basic emergency supplies in
            a “Go Bag” or other container. Be ready
            to grab other essential items quickly
            before leaving.


            Fatalities and injuries caused by hurricanes are
            often the result of individuals remaining in unsafe        EV
            locations during a storm. If authorities advise or
            order you to evacuate, do so immediately. Follow           ACUATE
            posted evacuation routes and do not try to take
            shortcuts because they may be blocked.

               shortcut                   You may experience any
                (n.): atajo               of the following during a
                                          •  Long periods of very
                                           strong winds and
                                           heavy rains.
                                          •  Many of those in the
                                           center of the storm
                                           experience a false          EXPERIENCING A HURRICANE
                                           sense of security.
                                           After the center of the
                                           hurricane, also known
                                           as the eye, passes over,
                                           the storm will resume.
                                           Do not venture outside
                                           until emergency
                                           officials say it is safe.

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