Page 30 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 30
• Return home only when authorities EV
indicate that it is safe to do so. debris
• Be aware of downed trees, power fuse box ACUATED IF YOU
knock off
pages 91, 92 and 93
lines, and fallen debris. Glossary on
• If the storm damaged your home severely, you
may only be able to enter when officials say it is
safe to do so.
• Use extreme caution when entering flooded
buildings. There may be hidden damage,
particularly in foundations. Turn off electricity at
the fuse box.
• Use flashlights, not torches or matches, to examine
buildings. Flammable gases may be inside and
open flames may cause a fire or explosion.
• If you see floodwater on roads, bridges, or on the
ground, do not to attempt to cross the floodwater.
The depth of the water is not always obvious. AREA OR AS YOU RETURN IF YOU STAYED IN THE
Moving water has tremendous power. Six inches
of moving water has the potential to knock you off
your feet. Be especially cautious at night when it is
harder to recognize flood dangers.
• Avoid wading in floodwater, which (n.): pasar
may be contaminated. caminando
• Watch for dangerous debris (e.g., broken glass,
metal fragments), dead animals, or venomous
snakes in floodwaters.
Reader's Book 29