Page 32 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 32

STOP THE PRESSES - THIS JUST IN!                              Practice 4

                               Family and community environment
               Specific Practice:   Compare news from different journalistic sources.

                                                 Adapted by Claire Fortier

              News for the World

                                 BRASILIA/NEW YORK, 3  August 2018
                 Business   Finance   Lifestyle   Travel   Sport   Weather
             Olympic and Paralympic Games
             committees urge fans to help
             protect children
             Encouraging sports enthusiasts around the               Glossary on
                                                                     page 91
             world to get active for children!
             Brasilia/New York, 3 August 2018 – Team unicef Get
             Active for Children was launched today. The initiative
             hopes to mobilize sports enthusiasts to work for the
             good of children all
             over the world.
             They are invited
             to get involved
             in the Olympic and
             movement for free.
             For each participant
             signing up and
             completing a 5km
             race by foot or
             wheelchair, a $5
             corporate donation
             will be made.

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