Page 38 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 38

In a news release, the Director-General of who,
                 Tedros Ghebreyesus, said, “Our health is directly
                 related to the health of the environment we live in.
                 Together, air, water and chemical hazards kill
                 some 12.6 million people a year. This cannot and
                 must not continue.”

                 “There is an urgent need for us to work more
                 closely together to address the critical threats to
                 environmental sustainability and climate – which
                 are the foundations for life on this planet. This new
                 agreement recognizes that sober reality,” added the
                 Executive Director of unep, Erik Solheim.

                 The developing world will be the specific focus of
                 this new partnership. Developing countries in Africa,
                 Latin America and Asia are the most affected by
                 environmental pollution and the deaths related to it.

                 who and unep will jointly manage the advocacy
                 campaign BreatheLife, which aims to reduce
                 air pollution, thereby benefitting the climate,
                 environment and overall health.

                 There has been cooperation between the two
                 un agencies on a range of health and
                 environmental issues.

                 The agencies stated, however, that this latest
                 partnership on health and environmental issues
                 is the most important formal agreement on joint
                 action in over 15 years.

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