Page 74 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 74
The guests enter the tearoom in the same order as for the
first session. The receptacles for fresh water and the tea
caddy are seen in the right place before the host enters
with the tea bowl held in both hands. The following
three articles are brought in with the tea bowl – the tea
whisk, tea cloth and tea spoon. The host retires to the
adjoining room, to reappear almost immediately with the
receptacle for waste water, the dipper, and a small piece
of bamboo to form a stand for the cover of the kettle, or
the dipper. The bamboo dipper, whisk, and tea cloth must
be brand new and scrupulously clean. But the caddy,
bowl, and spoon are, as a rule, valuable objects of art.
The host puts three spoonsful of powdered tea spinach (n.):
in the bowl. Then, he puts the dipper deep espinaca
into the kettle and takes it out overflowing with sip (n.):
hot water. The hot water is poured over the tea
powder in the bowl. The mixture is now vigorously stirred
or beaten until it becomes frothy. The operation is similar
to that of whipping cream or beating eggs.
When the tea, resembling thick spinach soup in
consistency, as well as in colour, is made, the host places
it in front of the principal guest. The guest makes a bow
to his fellow guests and puts the bowl in the palm of his
left hand. Supporting one side of the bowl with the right
hand, he takes one sip, complementing the host on the
excellent flavour, right consistency, and so on. After taking
two or more sips, the bowl is passed on to the second
guest, then to the third, and so on, until all have partaken.
2 A small receptacle for powdered tea. It is one of the most important articles in the
tea ceremony.
3 Whisk made of plain bamboo, used to beat or knead the mixture of powdered tea
and hot water.
4 A small oblong piece of plain white linen used to wipe the tea-bowl.
5 Spoon made of bamboo for use in transferring powdered tea from the caddy to
the bowl.
Reader's Book 73