Page 78 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 78
clumps of the long leaves missing. My mother eventually
discovered that our Dalmatian puppy, Pluto, had developed
a fondness for the perfumed, piquant leaves and would
wrestle whole clumps of them off the bush, frequently eating
large fronds in the process!
My mother makes her famous chai masala from scratch and
it is, by far, the best cup of masala chai. I remember that
while growing up, I’d stare with great longing as the grown-
ups drank their tea, sipping from the steaming cups gingerly
and then sighing in satisfaction. On some days, my mother
would swirl my cup of milk in the tea leaves left over in the
bottom of the pan after the chai had been brewed for the
adults. My milk would turn the color of a pale café-au-lait
and it would make my day!
On the next gray, cloudy day, settle down in your favorite
chair with a captivating book and your very own cup of
Indian masala chai. Here is my mother’s recipe:
Adapted from:
Reader's Book 77