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soil (n.): the top layer of the land surface of the
                earth, supporting plant life.

                spoils (n.): valuables seized by violence.

                spring (v.): to move upward or forward from
                the ground.

                struggle (v.): to try hard to do something.

                suck (v.): to draw (liquid) into the mouth by creating
                a vacuum with the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

                tasteless (adj.): without taste or flavor; something is
                 vulgar and unattractive.

                 teapot (n.): a pot with a spout, handle, and lid, for

                 brewing tea.
                 thread (n.): a light, fine, string-like length of material
                 made up of two or more strands of spun cotton or
                 synthetic material twisted together and used
                 in sewing.
                 toward (prep.): in the direction of somewhere.

                 warmth (n.): the degree of heat in a substance.

                 way (n.): a course of action, or manner of doing
                  something; a route or course that is or may be used
                  to go from one place to another as a road, highway

                  or path.

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