Page 93 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 93

funds (n.): money that is available.

                fuse box (n.): the box that contains the fuses for all
                the electric circuits in a building.

                give in (v.): to abandon.

                give up (v.): to surrender.

                goose-stepped (n.): a marching step, in which the
                legs are raised high and kept stiff and unbent.

                grab (v.): to take roughly and quickly.

                 grounding (n.): a basic knowledge of or training in a
                 specific subject.

                 host (n.): a person who entertains guests either at
                 home or elsewhere.

                 hover (v.): to linger in an overprotective way.

                 hyperbole (n.) : exaggeration not meant to be taken

                 issue (n.): a problem or difficulty.

                 kettle (n.): a pot.

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