Page 90 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 90

HOW TO WRITE A COMPLAINT                                      Practice 10

                              Familiar and community environment
               SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE:   Express oral complaints about a product.


              AGAINST A COMPANY

              If you have problems with an item or service you purchased,
              you have the right to complain. Use these steps to get started:

              •  Gather supporting documents, such as sales receipts,
                warranties, contracts, and work orders from the purchase.
                Also, print out email messages or logs of any contact
                you've had with the seller about the purchase.

              •  Contact the seller, preferably in writing. You may be able to
                solve the problem by contacting a salesperson or customer
                service representative. If this doesn't work, contact a
                supervisor or manager. If this still fails, try going higher
                up to the national headquarters. To find the company's
                customer service contact information, look for "contact us",
                "customer service", "about us", or "terms and conditions".
                Use the letter on the next page as an example.

              •  Contact third parties, if the seller fails to fix your problem.
                File a complaint with your local consumer protection offices
                or the state regulatory agency or licensing board that
                has jurisdiction over the seller. Notify the Better Business
                Bureau (BBB) in your area about your problem. The BBB
                tries to resolve your complaints against companies.

              •  Seek legal help. You may use the legal system or through
                an alternative dispute program, such as arbitration,
                conciliation, or mediation.


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