Page 204 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 204
TRACK 47 (Practice 8, Activity 30) teabags because they are more practical. I
believe it is because it is difficult to find loose
Student 1: What did you find in the essays you tealeaves at the supermarket.
read? Student 4: I don’t agree. I have found loose
Student 2: We chose to find out more about tea- tealeaves at the supermarket.
drinking in different countries, and we learned Student 2: Ok, but they’re much more expensive.
lots of things. Student 1: What about the herbs at the market?
Student 1: Really, like what? There are lots of people who sell herbs, roots
Student 3: Well, in the UK, Russia, Japan and and other plants to make tea.
Mexico people drink tea and the all follow the Student 3: You’re right, and they sell them loose.
same main step: Pour boiling water on some Student 2: Yes, but that is medicinal tea. It is
tealeaves. different. Let’s focus on the tea we drink for the
Student 4: British, Russians and Japanese use flavor.
loose tealeaves, but Mexicans prefer teabags, as Student 1: Right. So what can we conclude about
they find them more convenient. teabags?
Student 2: Actually, I don’t think Mexicans use Student 4: We can all agree that in Mexico
teabags because they are more practical. I people favor teabags because they are
believe it is because it is difficult to find loose everywhere and are cheaper than loose
tealeaves at the supermarket. tealeaves.
Student 4: I don’t agree. I have found loose Student 1: Very well, let’s move on. What type of
tealeaves at the supermarket. tea do they drink in the countries you selected?
Student 2: Ok, but they’re much more expensive. Student 2: Both British and Russians like black
Student 1: What about the herbs at the market? tea, although Japanese drink mostly green tea.
There are lots of people who sell herbs, roots In contrast, Mexicans prefer herbal tea, such as
and other plants to make tea. chamomile or mint.
Student 3: You’re right, and they sell them loose. Student 1: Do people add something to the tea
Student 2: Yes, but that is medicinal tea. It is or do they eat something with it?
different. Let’s focus on the tea we drink for the Student 2: It depends on the culture. For
flavor. example, in Mexico people drink it plain or they
Student 1: Right. So, what can we conclude might add some sugar. In the UK they add milk.
about teabags? I have heard that the British have cookies or
Student 4: We can all agree that in Mexico sandwiches along with tea, but the essay didn’t
people favor teabags because they are say anything regarding food.
everywhere and are cheaper than loose Student 3: In Russia people don’t drink tea
tealeaves. without food. There are lots of sweets and
desserts, and people enjoy them as much as the
TRACK 48 (Practice 8, Activity 33) beverage.
Student 4: It is the same in Japan, as in they have
Student 1: What did you find in the essays you a meal with tea but, on the contrary, it is savory,
read? not sweet.
Student 2: We chose to find out more about tea- Student 1: Do all cultures use the same utensils?
drinking in different countries, and we learned Student 3: Not really. In Russia they boil the
lots of things. water in a samovar, instead of in a kettle, which is
Student 1: Really, like what? favored in the other countries.
Student 3: Well, in the UK, Russia, Japan and Student 2: One would think the teapot is also
Mexico people drink tea and they all follow the quite common because we’ve all seen tea
same main step: Pour boiling water on some sets, but they actually only use them in the UK.
tealeaves. Russians pour tea from the samovar into the
Student 4: British, Russians and Japanese use cup. Mexicans and Japanese people make tea
loose tealeaves, but Mexicans prefer teabags, as straight in the container they are drinking from,
they find them more convenient. that is a cup or a bowl.
Student 2: Actually, I don’t think Mexicans use
Teacher’s Book 203