Page 86 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 86

Activity 6

                                                                                 • The Great Dictatorwas released
                                                                                   inOctober 1940, however, the
                                                                                   script was prepared between
                                                                                   1937-1939, with filming starting
                                                                                   in September 1939. By the
                                                                                   time it was released, World
                                                                                   War II had already begun and
                                                                                   many countries in Europe were
                                                                                   already under the control of
                                                                                   Nazi Germany (for example,
                                                                                   France and Norway). However,
                                                                                   the full scale of the atrocities
                                                                                   committed (for example, the
                                                                                   concentration camps) were
                                                                                   unknown to the public. Chaplin
                                                                                   would say years later in his
                                                                                   autobiography that he would
                                                                                   not have made the film had he
                                                                                   known the full extent
                                                                                   of the horrors in the
                                                                                   concentration camps.

                                                                                 Activity 7
                                                                                 • As in other activities, it is more
                                                                                   important to distinguish the
                                                                                   features than the name of the
                                                                                   topics presented. However, as
                                                                                   we have said elsewhere, your
                                                                                   students need to recognize
                                                                                   what we could call the “hard”
               concepts of the topic, thereby accumulating increasingly complex knowledge of the subject. As an
               example, imagine a car mechanic who does not know the name of the pieces of a car. Obviously, this will
               not hamper her/him in fixing the car, however, she/he will spend more time at the auto parts dealer and
               will probably have more difficulty conferring with her/his colleagues to solve a problem.
              • The reason we made this a collective activity (not an individual activity) is because there is empirical
               evidence that reflection upon metalinguistic concepts works better if students have to explain their
               rationale to a peer.
              • When possible, use students’ wrong answers as a way of understanding why they are not producing the
               expected answer. This type of investigative teaching is really useful for moving from directed teaching
               towards more student-centered ways of interacting in the classroom.

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