Page 81 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 81

Activity 21 (continues)
              Activity 22

              • As in other practices, it is
               important for students to decide
               on ways to disseminate their
               chart beyond the classroom.
              • If students can’t carry out the
               dissemination immediately after
               finishing the other activities in
               this practice, do not worry. It is
               advisable, but not compulsory,
               to present the product to the
               public in the same time frame.
               However, remember that full
               assessment should not be
               carried out without considering
               the feedback given by those
               who have seen the chart.
              • Technology is a double-edged
               sword. While you may want to
               foster your students’ digital skills
               whenever possible, this should
               not be done at the expense of
               their interacting and socializing.

              Activity 23
              • If there is enough time
               remaining, you may want
               your students to present the
               most important points on their
               chart by means of an oral
               presentation. You may use the
               tips in Practice 9 (round table) for an oral presentation.
              • Remember, we provide just a few options among many to advertise the work you and your students
               have been doing. You may adapt other strategies shown in this book (or in other resources). Remember,
               the product allows for the social practice to really become social and not a mere extra activity, akin to a
               handmade crafts workshop.
              • Remind your students that how the audience reacts to their product is the primary way of finding out if
               their product was effective. It should have balanced the graphic details with the content.

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